Sunday, 27 September 2009

Consultancy: What Matters to You?

If you could design the perfect consultancy that ticked all the right boxes for your business, what would it look like? We're curious to find out about your experiences with consultants in the past - you don't need to name names if you prefer to keep that under wraps - but we'd love to know the best and worst experiences you've had. Is there a particular thing that really helped your business or something that did the opposite?

Vote for the Best Consultancy you can Imagine

To make it easier for you to voice your opinions anonymously, we've put some polls at the bottom of this blog. You can click on as many of the options as you feel apply. This is your chance to create the consultancy experience that is perfect for your needs.

When you've voted, if there is anything more specific that occurs to you, simply jot it in the comments section here or just comment 'have sent you a message' and write to us direct at

Whether you need a consultancy right now or are just window shopping for the future, we'd love to see your views.

Why are we asking you to tick boxes, instead of telling you how great we are and all of our amazing success stories? Because we've worked with some amazing people in the past but we haven't worked with you yet and we want to makes sure that when we do, we tick all the right boxes for you.

Thanks for joining in!

The Cygnet Consultancy Team


Thanks for reading our blog. Vote anonymously for the qualities that you are looking for in a consultancy business in the polls below.

If you'd like to give us more detail or let us know how we can help you, click here:

Don't forget to hit 'follow' in the sidebar above to receive notification when we update our blog.

Most Important Qualities in a Consultant

Worst Experiences with other Consultants

Where would you like Advice?

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